March 2019

The performance ‘signalling at the molecular level‘ has been presented at the HYPHEN exposition at AMbika P3 in March 2019. The collaborative performance piece featured the amplified INTUERI (2017-18) e-textiles by the interface designer Gabriela Guasti Rocha.

Collaborating Dancers are Giulia Iurza, Livia Massarelli, Francis Maskens, Gloria Trolla, Tom Wohlfahrt, as well as the Esprit Concrete Art du Deplacement and Parkour practitioners Georgia Munroe and Louiseanne Wong.

Trailer at facebook project page ‘Moved by being moved / to moving’.

December 2017

Starting to present at the symposia of University of Westminster’s CREAM department to develop and shape ideas for my PhD project moved by being moved / to moving. Stills from a recording of this presentation “agency as being/doing intra-activity – de-centering conjectures of self” provide some of the background of this site.